Bits and Spurs 4-H Club

4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. The 4-H Youth Development Program is part of the University of Florida IFAS Extension. All programs are open to all persons regardless of race, color, age, sex, handicap, or national origin. For more information on joining a 4-H group in your area, contact your local county extension office or visit the Florida 4-H website at

2008-2009 Shows

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Record Book and Holiday Party

We are all looking forward to the Holiday Party on January 3. Please remember to bring your record books as we will be working on them from 2:00 - 4:30. For further information please contact Suzanne or Karen.

Community Service

We had a good time at Ms. Christa's. We were able to repair the dressage ring and pile some limbs. Afterwards, we shared some delicious goodies with Ms. Christa and Ms. Susan. Thanks to both of these ladies for their dedication to our horse program. It is because of dedication and hardwork from people like them that our program is the BEST!!!

November and December Shows

We had a good turn out for the November and December shows. The weather was not very helpful for us, but we all had a great time.

November Meeting

We had a great meeting. The committees met and decided upon dates for some up coming events.